Mon, 5 May 2008
Father of the Tribe - Chapter 6
written and read by Paul S. Jenkins Music: "Sunday Stood Still" by I Love Pop, from the album Songs from the Whiteshed (PodSafe Audio) Send feedback (text or mp3) to psj(at)paulsjenkins(dot)net ...or post a comment below. Many thanks to Jack Jaffee at 12 Volt Theater for his story in Part 4 of Down the Road about our encounter at Dragon*Con 2007 (and for playing the Tenuous Tales promo). Thanks also to Nobilis for his kind words on show 55 of Nobilis Erotica (and for playing the Tenuous Tales promo). Belated thanks also to Jack Markle for his enquiries after the progress of Father of the Tribe. |
Fri, 28 December 2007
Father of the Tribe - Chapter 5
written and read by Paul S. Jenkins Music: "Sunday Stood Still" by I Love Pop, from the album Songs from the Whiteshed (PodSafe Audio) Send feedback (text or mp3) to psj(at)paulsjenkins(dot)net ...or post a comment below. Sci Phi is the journal of Science Fiction and Philosophy. Each quarterly issue contains science fiction short stories with a philosophical theme and popular-level philosophy articles with a science fiction theme. The editor of the magazine is long-time Sci Phi Show host Jason Rennie. |
Sat, 1 December 2007
Father of the Tribe - Chapter 4
written and read by Paul S. Jenkins Music: "Sunday Stood Still" by I Love Pop, from the album Songs from the Whiteshed (PodSafe Audio) Send feedback (text or mp3) to psj(at)paulsjenkins(dot)net ...or post a comment below. SFFaudio - the best resource on the web for science fiction and fantasy audio Mur Lafferty's Heaven series and Playing for Keeps novel J C Hutchins' 7th Son trilogy |
Sat, 10 November 2007
Apologies for the delay.
Chapter 4 of Father of the Tribe will be posted next week. Meanwhile here are some links to some of my recent appearances: At Variant Frequencies: "The Mason's Son" by Dennis Egan At Pseudopod: "The Western Front" by Patrick Samphire And here's my interview with Jason Rennie on The Sci Phi Show. |
Sun, 4 November 2007
Father of the Tribe - Chapter 3
written and read by Paul S. Jenkins Music: "Sunday Stood Still" by I Love Pop, from the album Songs from the Whiteshed (PodSafe Audio) Send feedback (text or mp3) to psj(at)paulsjenkins(dot)net ...or post a comment below. Mur Lafferty's Heaven series and Playing for Keeps novel J C Hutchins' 7th Son trilogy |
Sun, 28 October 2007
written and read by Paul S. Jenkins Music: "Sunday Stood Still" by I Love Pop, from the album Songs from the Whiteshed (PodSafe Audio) Send feedback (text or mp3) to psj(at)paulsjenkins(dot)net ...or post a comment below. revmerrill's blog: Tenuous Tales is (was) "New & Notable" on the iTunes Store! (See image above.) |
Sat, 20 October 2007
Father of the Tribe - Chapter 1
written and read by Paul S. Jenkins Music: "Sunday Stood Still" by I Love Pop, from the album Songs from the Whiteshed (PodSafe Audio) Send feedback (text or mp3) to psj(at)paulsjenkins(dot)net ...or post a comment below. |
Fri, 19 October 2007
(...and yes, today's the day... stand by your aggregator!) |
Mon, 8 October 2007
Welcome to Tenuous Tales! Tenuous Tales will launch on Friday 19 October 2007 with the first chapter of on-the-fly fiction. Paste this link into your podcatcher to subscribe (for free) to the Tenuous Tales feed, and receive each chapter automatically: |